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#1.9.2 – Here are 4 possible reasons for this problem. 1- …

Here are 4 possible reasons for this problem.

1- Bales are not tight enough, or bales have a flat bottom which will prevent them from pressing firmly on the bale trigger

2- Bale guide adjustments are too tight considering the diameter of your bale, and hold the bale from pressing firmly on the bale trigger

3- The mechanical system of the Xtractor won’t allow the pusher to move forward. Refer to protocol A-INL-037

4- Your bale trigger is set too low preventing it from being totally engaged by the bale. Refer to protocol A-INL-016 to adjust it. If your wrapper is a Hybrid-X model, refer to the protocol A-INL-017 for round bale, or A-INL-018 for square bale.

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